The Global Search For Education: Climate Activist Priyanka Prakash Gets the Scoop from Social Entrepreneur Udit Singha
This month on the Planet Cassroom Network, Audiences can watch Net Zero Speaks with Udit Singhal.
How does good waste management impact our race to Net Zero?
Youth continue to be the torchbearers for the climate movement. In Net Zero Speaks with Udit Singhal, Climate Activist Priyanka Prakash interviews sustainability champion Udit Singhal. Singhal is the founder of Glass2Sand, an environmentally-friendly “carbon-negative” initiative and “no glass to landfills” movement that he established in 2018 at age 16 to address the growing menace of glass bottles not being recycled and being dumped in already scarce landfills. Today, the Glass2Sand network fosters over 400 collection volunteers and 18 institutional support partnerships in Delhi to amplify awareness and glass waste collection for responsible disposal.
The Global Search for Education is pleased to welcome Priyanka Prakash.
Priyanka, welcome. Why did you decide to interview Udit Singhal? What inspired you about him?
As a young man who has actively worked in the space of plastic pollution and climate education, it was truly inspiring to hear about Udit who has been doing incredible work to tackle glass pollution. Given the limited knowledge I personally have about this issue, I was eager to learn from him. Additionally, I also believe that more and more people need to be educated about the issue surrounding glass, learn about existing innovations and solutions that exist, such as that of Udit’s, and become more conscious consumers.
What surprised you most about your interview?
Firstly, Udit’s humble and grounded nature made the entire interaction seem more like a conversation than an interview. Secondly, I was impressed by his immense knowledge and experience with respect to the subject matter as well as the kind of feat he has achieved at such a young age.
What are the 3 main takeaways for the Net Zero audience from your interview?
I think first of all that youth are definitely the torchbearers of any climate movement, and it’s time that they are given the right opportunities, platforms and support to take their action to the next level.
We as citizens of this Earth need to become more conscious of our consumption and production patterns. We may not realise, but everything that we do has a direct or indirect impact on this planet. And it’s high time that we become aware of it and start making sustainable choices in our day to day lives.
When one feels like there is no hope, it’s inspiring to meet individuals like Udit that we should look up to. He is working tirelessly to transform the future of our planet.
Thank you Priyanka!
C.M. Rubin and Priyanka Prakash
Don’t Miss Net Zero Speaks with Udit Singhal, now screening on the Planet Classroom Network. This film is curated for the Planet Classroom Network by Protect Our Planet and Planet Classroom.